Who makes somalia's currency?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The discovery in a printing press in Nairobi of counterfeit somali shillings worth 6 million KSHs made me wonder who makes the somalia currency...and how the old money is replaced...or are they still using the money that was in circulation 15 years ago? Wikipedia tells me the situation of the somali currency is unknown and it is unclear whether the Central Bank of Somalia is still working...which leaves more questions than answers. Does anyone out there know the situation of our currency?

Posted by wasmaniac at 6:25 PM  


If I remember correctly, the Somali currency is mostly made in Dubai which is to say that the Central Bank of Somalia is there. So if Dubai's economy goes to the toilet, so is Somalis because I remember listening to a documentary by the BBC saying that most Somali businesses' headquarters are in Dubai. In fact, they said, if Somali gets its own federal government and every Somali business in Dubai goes back to Somali, Dubai's economy would crash - or nearly tank.

Om said...
9:58 PM  

I don't think that Dubai's economy solemnly depends on the Somali buisnesses, I mean, tourism is much more important, no?

I make Somali shillings in my basement, we have one heck of a copy machine.

Anonymous said...
3:56 PM  

Somalita, notice that I did not say Dubai economy "solemnly depends" on Somali businesses, but the fact is most of Somali businesses operate out of Dubai. My point was that Somali businesses are important part of the Dubai economy; so much so that their leaving would have a major impact on their economy.

Om said...
2:52 AM  

OM, as I am in Dubai..I think what you are trying to say is, The Dubai economy is "leaning" partly by Somalis businesses..This is not the way..Dubai has Oil, tourism and business empires you may dream of..Emirates airlines, Damac, Dubai properties, Oil companies and almost 400,000 LLC companies concentrated in Dubai alone..So Somalis make amlost number 50 in business here..(I don't know if you are talking about small timers)..with nomadic offices...

Currencies of somalia mainly is through black market and unless they control,I mean, (unless they make a stable working gavaa), these nomads will be backward in every sector including economy than any other country in the world..

am planning to make some "cash" by printing them forthwith..

DALAHOW said...
8:56 PM  

OM: Thanks for your insight man, and like you, i think the somalis make an integral part of the dubai economy and if they shift, it will be felt... not in a big way, but still it will be felt.

Nway, seems no one still really knows the situation of the somali currency and our central bank.

wasmaniac said...
10:35 AM  

Last time i rmember, about 3 years ago, Somali currency was made in Malaysia. Several of the Somali governing body went over to malaysia and had a deal with them to make the Somali Shilling. I beleive they still do it there, but i am not certain.

Anonymous said...
7:43 PM  

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...
4:56 AM  

Как говорилось на Seexi.net позвала подружку пойти погулять в парк вместо двух последних уроков. все точно еще учительница опоздает на урок минут на 20-30 и зачем сидеть в пыльном классе. подружка не согласилась. да ладно, учебник то можно и дома прочитать - учительница со второго урока приходит на урок, открывает учебник и начинает читать механическим голосом (как робот). Если спросить ее что - то,Ю что почему-то она не хочет объяснять. Вырастите - все сами возьмете в толк.
Так вот состыкавалась такая пара и я решила свинтить с этих уроков. говорю не хочешь в парк, пойдем в баскин-роббинс, мороженного поедим разного, посплетничаем, я угощаю. че в школе плесенью покрываться? подружка опять не в какую. говорю ты чего такая скучная, весь учебный год еще впереди, успеем еще научится всему.
Подружка мне говорит вот мол классная родителям позвонит, и т. д. и т. п. Я ей тебя подруга реально попрасила, с тобой и так в классе общаюсь только я одна, с тобой ходить неудобно, общаться скучно, только контроши у тебя скатывать. Она: значит мы дружим только из-за контрольных? я залепила ей пощечину. она заревела и пошла прочь. яхотела догнать ее и извиниться, подружка матом послала меня.
сижу и думаю стоит мириться или же нет. и в случае в случае если да, то как.

Anonymous said...
6:47 PM  

Спасибо понравилось !

Anonymous said...
4:31 PM  

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Anonymous said...
3:35 AM  

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