Somali Lobby, Anyone?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Two percent of Americans are Jews yet half its billionaires are jews. The three most respected and influential newspapers, The NY times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street journal are in jewish hands, the four largest film studios in Hollywood are jewish owned, its estimated half of President Clinton's campaign fund was contributed by the jewish community.... The result is that Israel can continuously defy UN resolutions, continue with gross human rights abuses and extra judicial killings without no one raising a finger, we have an uncountable number of movies distorting the facts about the holocaust but none about the Palestinian suffering in the occupied lands and oh, regime change to any state posing a security risk to Israel. Nobel Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu once said "People are scared in this country, to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful — very powerful"...and even the Mighty google is afraid, google the word jews, and there is an explanation by Google of why there are some very "disturbing and offensive results" and an assurance that "the views expressed by the sites are in no way endorsed by Google". There is no such explanation for why Google throws up some offensive results when you search Muslims...

I admire that...that a community so little can be so powerful. I am full of envy...and since Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, i am calling for the Somali lobby. I know we don't have as many Somalis in States but we surely have a large community in there. We shouldn't even concentrate in America alone, the guys in UK can also form a lobby group and the same with the Scandinavian guys...I'll surely do my best from Kenya. Imagine if we can just tilt the opinion of the decision makers towards helping Somalia...or better still, if we have Somalis in positions of decision making, whether in government or corporate sector in these developed countries, if we can just channel a slice of the development fund these countries give out yearly to Somalia and Somalis everywhere, if the US can cover for us as we rain terror in Addis using their Jets and bombs ... There are endless possibilities... Just dare to dream.

Posted by wasmaniac at 5:02 PM  


lool...yeah, endless dreams! I admire the Jewish community very much because they are very smart and resilient. Throughout history, they were persecuted at every stage, but every time they came back and bettered themselves. Do you know why? Education. The Jewish community are quite educated and that is why they own over half of the world's wealth. Can't hate that, my friend.

As for Somalis forming lobbies,'s a joke! We can't even find why we are fighting with each other and who is our enemy?

We are fucking (excuse my language) primitive, my friend.

Om said...
12:53 AM  


While I agree that we need to be financially and militarily powerful, I'm not so certain that raining bombs on Ethiopia is the solution to our problems. We have a disease in our midst, it divides us and fills our hearts with hatred with every generation. Somalis are their own worst enemies. But we're also resourceful, bright, and optimistic people. We will stabilize and be prosperous one day. Not so sure in our lifetimes but it will happen.

Aya said...
7:28 AM  

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