6 weird things about me...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Got tagged by Firefly to write 6 weird things about myself...let me try.
I. A mild form of ADD?
I've got difficulty in sustaining attention for long periods, especially when doing anything academic and except when watching football or being with a girl. I have diagnosed that to be a very mild form of attention deficit disorder. It doesnt need treatment so no one should suggest that i see a shrink or something.
2. Blue briefs and boxers...
All my boxers are either blue or shades of blue. I dont like any other color touching my precious goods.
3. I cant ride a bike...
And its not for a lack of trying. My dad bought me a bike when i was about 4...and when learning how to, i fell off and injured my leg. The coward that i am, i have never been able to overcome that traumatic event. I tried learning again when in my adolescents but i just couldnt.
4. Hate at 1st sight!
It has happened to me once. After high school, when waiting for my KCSE results, i enrolled in an IT college in Nairobi. I hated my lecturer from day 1, for no reason....and well, she didnt like me too. I never finished that 1st programming lecture. After 2 days, i dropped out. That feeling has never resurfaced.
5. Bend rules...
I think its never wrong to bend rules to suit you...but take care not to break them.
6. Shumacer syndrome.
Am always cagey about my private life. I never give definite answers to questions on my private life. I call it shumacer syndrome coz he, like me, reveals little about his missus.
I can't do #3 neither though its not for lack of trying. I just don't seem to have balance.I don't think #6 is all that bad, some people just are private about things and its respectable. Otherwise 4/6 does constitute weird.
punkaj: lol @ dont go in undies...
Is split personalities the same as MPD? If its that, i dont have it, though i think its fan changing into a totally different person and blame it on MPD.
SD; I bet u tried riding bike with a hijab on, ama?
It was in the middle of the night with my crazy roomate in the middle of campus. I just had mu jammies and a sweatshirt with a bandana and a hoodie over it. Sadly, I can't blame my hijab for not learning :(
LoL @ #4!
#6 is cool. I think it's good to retain some privacy over your life. You can't have people knowing EVERYTHING about you.
dear blue undies,
u seem to be suffering from split personality disorder.so before seriously thinking about other things u better show up to psycho doctor.don't go in undies,put on proper clothes.