If Mungiki was in NFD...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Horrible stuff is happening in Nairobi these days. People are being beheaded, cut into pieces and thrown into the ever polluted Nairobi river...These is done by our own version of the Mafia. They do lack in the sophistication i see in Mafia movies, but the Mungiki reign supreme when it comes to brutality. We have been treated to a daily dose of beheadings for a month now. At there most generous, its upto 7 deaths a week. Our government claims to have monopoly of violence in the country, the Mungiki say its a duopoly and on the strenght of evidence presented, am inclined to belive the mungiki. The only good thing is that the Mungiki leave somalis alone, perharps realising that when it comes to violence, we are better off than them.
I feel these government is at least trying to tame Mungiki, maybe because the Mungiki come from Central Kenya, which is predominantly Gikuyu, the tribe that rules us here. But what if these Mungiki was in NFD, the somali dominated region of kenya...what would have been the reaction? To answer that, we have to look at NFD's troubled history. When in the 60's, 70's and 80's, the somali nationalists(shiftas) were still operating in NFD, trying to cave it out for greater somalia, the kenyan government committed a total of three massacres against our people, the worst being the wagalla massacre when all male were rounded up and killied. Upto 8 thousand people died. Another more recent case is in 2003, when the ethiopian army attacked a village, in the name of pursuing OLF and killied upto a 100 males and children...the government just kept quiet, officially blaming it on OLF but govt officials being quoted saying warya wanauna(somalis killing themselves) and therefore, no need to interfere! Now, if the Mungiki was NFD, what would have been the treatment, either, keeping quiet as was the case with turbi or killing every male as was the case with wagalla?