Friday, September 29, 2006
Have a Dark side?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Does everyone have a dark side? Are people inherently evil?
No answer. Even my trusted friend google couldnt get anything
written about that. But google gave me a taste. The
taste was called "How evil are U?" Guess what, am 54% evil.
Here are the results;
You Are 54% Evil |
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. |
Take the plunge and take the taste if u ever read this. Just remember to leave ur results.
I wanna know if am the most evil person...which am hoping am not.
Actuarial internship anyone?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I have an industrial internship coming up in January. The ambitious man that i am, that should be great news. I should be jumping up and down willing the days to go faster, quicker...but am not. The reason; the university tells us to look for the companies that we'll go to internship ourselves, the students.
Now, before you jump to the conclusion that its an easy undertaking, remember one thing: That i live in Kenya. In Kenya, ni kujuana i.e its who you know that gives you anything.
How do i plan to undertake this exercise? Well, my plan is simple. 1st, make my, well, average looking CV. Then hit the road and go to the 43 Insurance companies, the over 50 banks and the 3 actuarial consultancy firms in Nairobi begging them to give me an unpaid 8 week internship. If they refuse, which is the most probable outcome, i'll then and only then ask for help from relatives. tell them to intervene for me. If that doesnt work( because i dont have that many relatives in position of authority) will be disaster. Wait...perharps, but just perharps, the university will place me. In the meantime, if u hear my plea, pray for me.
what causes headaches?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
MY head is aching, for two days now. Maybe its the 7 day old flu that i have. Maybe not. But the headache has got me thinking( and its hard to think when your head is aching, leave alone to type). What causes headaches? I have asked my self this question for two hours now. It made me lose concentration in a Financial Time Series lecture.( Am hardworking, aint I? a lecture with a headache!) My curiosity to find out what causes headaches led me to this cyber cafe in Nairobi. I googled that question...and guess what, Nobody knows for sure. The answers ranged from Scientists are yet to unravel the causes of headaches... to The precise causes isnt known but... and i thought to myself, C'mon Guys(read scientists), you can do better.
You might think it was a waste of time and money(cause we pay for cyber time in Kenya) to come into the cyber for the sole purpose of knowing the causes of headaches(as if i could treat myself even if i knew) but it wasnt. At least, am fealing much better now with my headache. Its decreased its intensity.
Super sunday Retrospectively.
Monday, September 18, 2006
I dreamt. That looks like ages ago. The reality is so much better than dreams that i might just stop dreaming. Beating Man u at old trafford was what i dreamt about. It came to pass...and it was sweet. Very sweet. What made it that sweet for a team used to winning? Well, coz we were due a win over united. And coz we hadnt won a single game in top flight this season. So that was it. I credit all the win not to the person who scored the goal but to one Cesc Fabregas and goalie Lehman.
The amazing thing about that win has got to be the "unanimous nature" of our win i.e everyone from Sir alex to the man u fans agreed the best team won.
The only downside to super sunday is that liverpool disappointed me, Again! A player i have never fancied pulled one out of his hat. didear Drogba scored a that i could bet could take the goal of the season. But again, if u are losing, at least lose from such a genious act...something out of this world...the likes of didier Drogba's goals are always going to stick in my mind.
psyched up for super sunday!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I woke up dreaming early morning about Arsenal having thrashed Man U at old trafford. I rarely dream about football...infact, today was the 2nd time. The other time was over 6 years ago when i still had dreams of becoming a proffessional footballer and playing for...well, u guessed right: The Gunners. This 1st dream remains just that, a dream. The 2nd one is less than 24 hrs away from either going the way of the 1st or becoming right...though i wouldnt place my money on it becoming right, given Arsenal's current form. That was how the day started. The rest has been rather boring...with the best part being arguing with Man u fans whether we'll beat them or not. I think we will but i aint sure.
Does PC hamper creativity?
Friday, September 15, 2006
I always think of a lot of things when alone, in bed, eating, walking or even having sex. My creativity and thinking are at their optimum. Not so when I sit infront of the PC. I could spend hours surfing but my creative self just switches off or goes to sleep. Its a problem i am trying to fight since even writing my college essays on word is becoming hard. This isnt the same when i take a note pad(physical) and start writing. That has made me wonder if PC hampers creativity...and if the problem is me or many people.
Ideally, i would have done a research and published the results...but since their isnt anything ideal in kenya anymore and because of the budget constraints of doing that research, i just decided to write that in this blog. Feel free to tell me if you suffer from the same problem.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hallo everyone? Ok, i aint expecting a hallo back, but i just said it. Just courtesy. This 1st blog will just be absolute shit. A beginner is always forgiven, i guess.